Our feet- the most overworked and often the most ignored part of our body bear the entire burden we carry with us. Besides, their close contact with ground and eventually, dust and mud makes it more vulnerable for cracked heels. Gunjan Gaur, Permanent Makeup Expert and Executive Director of Alps Beauty Clinics, share the mantras to make your feet beautiful…and heels smoother in no time.
Cleaner is Better: A major reason of cracked heels is lack of cleanliness of feet. Therefore, make sure to indulge in home-made pedicure every month. For this, add one teaspoon shampoo, one teaspoon table-salt along with few drops of antiseptic liquid in a two litres of warm water. Soak your feet in it for 10 minutes; scrub-off the dead skin using a pumice stone and rinse-off. When it dries, massage with moisturizing cream and sleep-on with socks for overnight to catch hold of fantastic feet, the very next morning!